About us

Driven by Excellence

Welcome from the Chair

The Department of Cell and Developmental Biology has entered its second century at Weill Cornell Medical College. Since 1898, the department's focus has evolved from the study of human anatomy, to the elucidation of subcellular structure, to the analysis of processes that regulate dynamic cell function and differentiation. A major expansion begun in 2002 has tripled the number of full-time faculty and graduate students, and more than doubled the number of postdoctoral associates.

The research interests of the faculty reflect the disparate challenges that confront biomedical science today. Several labs focus on fundamental processes in cell biology that relate to the function of oncogenes, the dynamic regulation of molecular motors, patterns of vesicular trafficking, modulation of cytoskeletal organization, establishment of cell polarity, and the control of cell surface proteolysis. Others address developmental mechanisms connected to germ cell differentiation, transcriptional repression, gene regulatory networks, tubulogenesis, myogenesis, angiogenesis, and patterning of skeletal, hematopoietic, and central nervous system tissues. This diverse "menu" offers unique opportunities for graduate trainees and postdoctoral fellows to develop an integrated approach to questions in cell and developmental biology.

In addition to mentoring students in their labs, faculty members teach in the basic sciences in both the Weill Cornell Medical College and the Weill Graduate School of Medical Sciences. The Department also sponsors a biweekly seminar series, a bimonthly Frontiers in Science research conference, and an annual graduate program retreat. A center-wide Program in Angiogenesis hosted by the Department provides a model for seamless integration that transcends traditional departmental boundaries and capitalizes on the Medical Center's broad scientific expertise.

Journalists, directors, developers, etc. working effectively in their fields of excellence.

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What makes us different?

We make sure that everyone blossoms. We keep a human size in a warm and modern setting. All students benefit from individualised support.

All students benefit from individualised support.

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Tony Fred, Faculty Head of IT

Tony received a degree in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and a Ph D. degree in 1998 and 2004. After a post-doctoral experience he joined the school as professor of mechatronics in 2006. In 2010, he became Head of IT.

Mich Stark, IT Officer

He is professor in the Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering since 2000. He lectures in mechanical drawing and mechanical design for undergraduate and graduate students. He is active in Problem and Project based learning. He is the promoter of 8 doctoral theses.

Aline Turner, Law professor

She has been practicing law at the French-speaking Brussels Bar since 2006. She has worked in various major law firms based in Brussels, as member and then head of their litigation/arbitration practice groups.

Iris Joe, team leader professor

Iris, with her international experience, helps us easily understand the numbers and improves them. She is determined to drive success and delivers her professional acumen to bring the company to the next level.